Premium Flooring Design
Carpet can be a great add-on to your home and one pro is that it keeps your feet warm and it's a soft surface rather than a hard one.
Carpet does harbor many allergens that can be bad for your health. Some allergens that are common are: hair, pollen, dust spores, and mold. All of these can inhabit your carpet. You can clean the carpet to get rid of some of these allergens but it isn't permanent. This is why most people switch to hardwood, laminate, tile, or any other hard surface.

Hard surfaces are easy to clean, more durable, and add value to your home. It all depends on what you want for your home. Some people like the warmth that carpet brings and have no problem cleaning it periodically. Others love hard surface flooring. With hard surface flooring, like hardwood, you really have to take care of it and it will last you a long time.

                                             First figure out what you want and go from there.

Laminate flooring is a great way for your home to look great while keeping you within your budget. It's also a less expensive way to add value to your home.
Here are some of the pros and cons about laminate flooring, Pros and Cons.